Ground Down by Growth Reviews continued…

‘A much-needed and timely contribution for policymakers and scholars in the fields of development studies, anthropology, and sociology.’ H-net reviews

We would recommend that students, scholars and policy makers working on India should read this book to gain a better understanding of the country’s economic, social and political landscape, and of the challenges that would need to be overcome to ensure truly inclusive social processes.’ International Labour Review

'Explodes the myth of the modernising power of capitalism. This sensitive and acute analysis shows that, far from doing away with inherited inequalities of power, Indian capitalism uses and intensifies them.' Jayati Ghosh, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

'A kaleidoscopic view of how established social forms morph and realign to produce deepening inequality and persistent, patterned disadvantage. Super-rich material and compelling analysis.' Tania Murray Li, Anthropology, University of Toronto

'An exceptional book coming from researchers who lived with the most marginalised people to present the India of dislocation and despair'. Anand Teltumbde, writer, civil rights activist and Senior Professor of Business Management, IIIT Hyderabad